We know that for many folks, doggies are full members of the family and a holiday away from home just
isn’t the same if they’re left behind. Sadly, after some abuses in early 2024, we had to cancel our dogfriendly policy (though we will still honor existing bookings).
Of course we make an exception for service animals. If you do bring a dog, for our protection and that of
other guests, we have a few rules and a requirement.
The Rules
1. You promise to clean up behind your dog – inside and outside the premises.
2. You promise that your dog will not be allowed to run free outside the premises, no matter how
well behaved he/she normally is.
3. You promise that you will not allow your dog to run free in any field containing sheep.
4. You promise that you will pay for any repairs, replacements or special cleaning required as a
result of your pet’s stay.
By way of an explanation – we breed rare sheep at Ballaloaghtan and some of them are very valuable.
When they are pregnant (from November to April) just being chased by a strange dog can cause them to
abort or miscarry. They can even drop dead from fright – sheep are fragile creatures. Some dogs behave
extremely well at home, but go nuts when they see sheep (sometimes for the first time).
The Requirement
We kindly ask that if you plan to bring a dog to stay, you let us know in advance and pay a “pet fee” of
₤10 per dog, per night, into our bank account. When you have checked out our cleaners and manager
will check the premises.
The most common additional expense is carpet cleaning as, even though pets behave well, some leave
hair or dander in the carpets which is an allergy risk for subsequent guests. Carpet cleaning typically
costs ₤94.
Here are the bank details for the Pet Fee:
Account name: Paul T Davis
Sort Code: 11:04:14, Account Number: 13278463
Bank Name: Halifax Bank, Oxford
Reference: PET FEE